We offer two types of licences: licence codes and dongles. You don't need a licence in order to download the FlowLogic software, only to run it. This means you can download FlowLogic onto as many computers as you like and as long as you have an available licence, then you can run the software. The benefit with FlowLogic licences is that they aren't attached to one computer, so you can move them around or share them amongst a group. The only restriction is that one licence can only be used on one computer at a time.
The dongle is a physical usb drive, which contains the licence. You have to connect the dongle to the computer and then launch FlowLogic. The software will quickly authenticate the licence and will run until the dongle is removed.
The licence code acts like a virtual dongle, meaning you can move them around and share them. When you register a new FlowLogic account, you choose a username (typically your email address). Then you add your licence code to your account. When you launch FlowLogic without a dongle attached, it will ask for your username and if your licence is valid, then you can continue. You will need an internet connection to authenticate a licence code but afterwards, you can work offline.
The added benefit with licence codes is that the licence can be released in a number of ways:
- Manually release the licence from within FlowLogic (License -> Release License...)
- Have FlowLogic automatically release the licence upon quitting (Preferences -> General -> Automatically release license before closing FlowLogic)
- Remote release - log into your online account and click the "Release" button. This is very useful if you aren't near the computer to which your current licence is attached.
Typically, dongles are sold as perpetual licences, whilst licence codes are either perpetual or annual. However, if you have different requirements, then please contact us and we can generate a licence for a time period that suits you.
Finally, if you do need to authenticate a licence code and you don't have an internet connection, you can still perform an offline registration. Please see the following video demonstrating this process: https://youtu.be/xi78OyLUsI0